Character Poem

Character Poem

Here is a fun way to practice drama and poetry together! This will be a free verse poem, meaning it does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern. It is open, but since it will be about you or a character, I’ve given you a prompt for each line....
Happy Birthday Shakespeare!

Happy Birthday Shakespeare!

The birth of William Shakespeare is celebrated as the 23rd of April, 1564. Shakespeare was famously born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon in England. He was born, lived and worked during the Elizabethan era. His father was a successful leather merchant and his mother...
Roll-a-Story: Fall Theme

Roll-a-Story: Fall Theme

Use this chart to create your own fall themed story! All you will need is dice! Roll a dice five times (just one, not the pair) Whatever number you get from your roll, look for it on the first column of this chart. Example: If you roll a 4 on your 3rd roll, the...