How to draw Frida Kahlo

How to draw Frida Kahlo

To kick of Hispanic Heritage Month, Mr. Jonathan shares a new draw along with you. In this video, we will recreate one of Frida Kahlo’s self-portrait called Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird. Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter, and she was famous...
Yarn Tassel Book Mark

Yarn Tassel Book Mark

Create your own unique bookmark! Materials: Yarn Hole Punch Scissors Cardstock with design or a card with design on the front you would like to use Washi tape Step 1:  Take your cardstock or card & cut it down to the size that you would like. I folded mine in...
Duck Tape Pencil Case

Duck Tape Pencil Case

With school back in session, try out this craft to create your own unique pencil case! Let us know in the comments below how yours turns out. Duct Tape Pencil Bag Materials: Duct tape Ziplock bag  Scissors Steps: 1. Fold and cut your Ziplock bag to the size you...
How to Draw Scribbles & Ink

How to Draw Scribbles & Ink

Mr. Jonathan is back with a new draw along for you. In this video, he shows you how to draw Scribbles and Ink. Get ready to make drawings that look straight out of the popular kids books. Mr. Jonathan makes it possible with his easy to follow step by step...