Use the letters in your name to create a fun circuit training workout. Follow along with Mr. Eddie and Mr. Diego in the video below and then create your own circuit.

Warm up

  • Right arm across your chest, using your left hand pull your right arm closer to your body for 10 seconds and then switch arms. 
  • Arounds out to your sides and up like a cross, you’ll make 10 tiny circles with your arm. Then you’ll make 10 medium circles and then 10 huge circles. 
  • You’ll bring your feet together and you’ll reach for your toes for 10 seconds
  • Next you’ll spread your feet apart and you’ll reach for your right foot for 10 seconds and then move to your left foot for 10 seconds. 


Spell out your name. Each letter represents a different exercise. Once you have completed the correct exercise for each letter in your name, you are finished!  For an extra challenge, do your first, middle, and last name!

Example: The name EDDIE turns into 

  • E (10 sit-ups)
  • D (5 push-ups) 
  • D (5 push-ups) 
  • I (20 second wall-sit) 
  • E (10 sit-ups)
A10 squats
B10 jumping jacks
C20 imaginary jump ropes
D5 push-ups
E10 sit-ups
F10 second flamingo hold on each side
G25 arm-circles (forwards & backwards)
H20 second toe touch (standing with legs straight)
I20 second wall-sit
J20 second running in place
K20 second high-knees
L20 second butt-kickers
M5 push-ups
N5 lunges (on each side)
O5 jump squats
P5 frog jumps
Q5 one-legged jumps (on each side)
R10 shoulder shrugs (forwards and backwards)
S10 neck rolls (each direction)
T10 burpees
U10 mountain climbers
V20 jumping jacks
WTry to do the splits for 30 seconds
X1 cartwheel (each direction)
YJump as high as you can 3 times
ZTake 5 deep breaths

Cool Down

Find a seat on the floor or on a couch or chair. Make sure your back is nice and straight. Close your eyes with your hands on your lap. Take 10 deep breaths. Repeat if needed. You’re all done! Great job! Make sure you drink some water with a healthy snack!

Tell us how the workout went in the comments below