Workout like a gymnast! No bar, beam, or floor routine.

Warm Up:

  • Bring your feet together, keep your legs straight, and reach for your toes for 30 seconds
  • 15 jumping jacks

Balance Exercises: Balance is extremely important when it comes to gymnastics.  The next few exercises will help with your balance.

Airplane Pose (30 seconds each leg)

  • Extend your arms out to either side
  • When you feel balanced, lean forward, lifting one leg straight behind you
  • Hold this pose, then return your leg to the ground and your arms to your sides

Plank (30 seconds)

  • Get into a push up position and place your elbows on the floor
  • Lift your knees up and keep your body straight

Grip Exercises: Grip strength is important when it comes to gymnastics because you must hang onto bars/rings quite often. The next few exercises will help you gain grip strength.

Bar Hangs (As long as you can)

  • Find a monkey bar or a pull-up bar and hang onto it for as long as you can

Hand Squeezes (20 reps each side)

  • Find a soft ball or something squishy
  • Squeeze it with one hand as tightly as possible then switch hands

Challenge: Go around your house and try to pick up heavy items with one hand.  Make sure you do not try picking up fragile items that might break if you drop them.

What is the heaviest item you can pick up?

Back Exercises: It is important to have a strong back in gymnastics.  The next exercises will help you gain back muscle.

Superman Plank (20 seconds)

  • Lie flat on your belly
  • Lift your arms up in front of you and lift your legs off of the floor behind you
  • Remain as straight as possible and hold this position

Reverse Snow Angels (30 seconds)

  • Lie flat on your belly
  • Make a snow angel with your arms and legs
  • Do not let your arms, legs, or face touch the floor while doing the movement

Cool Down:

Find a seat on the floor or on a couch or chair. Make sure your back is nice and straight. Close your eyes with your hands on your lap. Take 10 deep breaths. Repeat if needed. You’re all done! Great job! Make sure you drink some water with a healthy snack