Electronic Devices Pros & Cons

Electronic Devices Pros & Cons

How much do you spend a day on your electronic devices? ____________________________ List the pros and cons of electronic devices in the chart below.  ProsCons Looking at the information above, do you think there are adjustments you can make with the time you...
Your Perfect Day

Your Perfect Day

Let’s describe a perfect day.  What time would you wake up in the morning?  ___________________________________________________________________________ Where would you go? ___________________________________________________________________________ Who would go...
Mental Age Quiz

Mental Age Quiz

Answer the following questions. Then add up the points according to your answers to see what your mental age is! Pick the best color out of the choices. Pink (1) Blue (2) Black (3) Grey (4) Brown (5) Pick the best food out of the choices. Gummy bears (1) French fries...
Showing Thankfulness

Showing Thankfulness

It’s always great to say thank you to someone who has done something for you. Let’s think of some ways we can show our thankfulness with our actions to the people we care about.  Parents: Why are you thankful to them?...
Reflection Complimenting Practice

Reflection Complimenting Practice

It is great to take some time and compliment and appreciate those around you with kind words. Everyone loves to be complimented! Be brave and share your compliments you wrote to them in person! On the line on the left write a name of a person that fits that category....


What is your favorite dinosaur? Why?  ______________________________________________________________________ If you could talk to a dinosaur, what would you tell it and what questions would you ask? ...