Learn how to play four fun card games with your family and friends


  1. Decks of Cards
  2. Friends & Family

Go Fish:

Objective: To get the most “pairs” by the end of the game.

How To Play: 

  • Go Fish is best for 3-6 players, but can be played with 2 people.
  • First shuffle the deck so cards are in no particular order.
  • The person who didn’t shuffle the cards will give 5 cards to each player (7 each for 2 players).
  • The remaining cards are placed face down in the middle of where you are playing.
  • The person to the left of who handed out the cards starts first.
  •  A turn consists of asking a specific player for a specific rank (example, if it is my turn I might say: ‘Diego, do you have an 8’.)
  • The player who asks must have an 8 already in their hand.
  • To get a pair the numbers have to be the same
  • That player then gets another turn and may again ask any player for any rank already held by the asker.
  • If the person asked does not have any cards of the named rank, they say ‘Go fish!’. 
  • The asker must then draw the top card of the deck.
  •  If the drawn card is the rank asked for, the asker shows it and gets another turn.
    •  If the drawn card is not the rank asked for, the asker keeps it, but the turn now passes to the next player to the left.
  • As soon as a player gets a pair they show the pair to the opposing players and place it in front of them face up.
  • The game will continue until someone has no more cards left or until the deck of cards which were being drawn from runs out.
  • The player with the most pair of cards is the winner!!!!


Objective: First player to get their “matches” to a total of 10 cards win

How to Play:

  • 2-4 players are required to play this game
  • First sit in a circle and decide who will shuffle the cards.
  • The person shuffling the cards will shuffle the cards and then give a card out to every player starting on his left; the dealer will be the last person to get a card.
  • The dealer will do this until all players have 9 cards
  • The leftover cards will be placed face down in the middle.
  • Once everyone has 9 cards they are allowed to look at them(make sure no one see’s your cards)
  • Before a card is pulled from the deck, everyone must discard a card they don’t want, the card the player wants to discard will be placed face down to your left.
    • The player on the left of you has to take the card which you discarded.
  • Remember this is a game of making “Matches”, which means you have to make a matched of 3 or 4 of the same suit and sequence or the same numbers(Ex. Match of 8’s which would be a match of three 8’s, or a sequence which is a number sequence [A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A] if you make a match of sequence they have to be the same suit, Diamonds, Spades, Hearts, Clubs 
    • Example: 2 of hearts, 3 of hearts, 4 of hearts is a sequence of suit
    • Example: 2 of hearts, 3 of diamonds, 4 of hearts is a sequence but the suit doesn’t match so you cannot place it down
  • In this game the Ace can be used as a 1 which goes before a 2 card or it can be used as as the highest card which goes after a King
  • Once everyone discards a card to the left of them, everyone can look at their cards, if someone has a match they could put it down before a card is pulled to start the game.
  • The player to the left of the dealer draws the top card of the leftover cards and places it down.
  • If the person who draws the card doesn’t need it they will place it down next to the deck of cards.
    • When the person who drew the card doesn’t need it the card is open for anyone who needs it to complete a pair of three
    • If more than one person needs the card, the person who is closer to the left of the person who drew the card gets it.
    • If the person who drew the card needs it to complete a match of three then they place the match down and then put down a card from their hand to the playing field
  • If a player takes a card from the playing field they must then put down a card which was in their hand.
  • If you take a card from the playing field it must be put in a match immediately and put down in front of you, you cannot store the card in your hand for later use
  • If a card is pulled from the deck and no one needs it the next player draws another card
    • The card recently pulled is the current play, you cannot go under that card to complete a match
  • If a player draws a card and doesn’t need it but the person to the left of them has a match where it can fit the player must take it even though they might not want it. (example: If I draw an 8 of hearts, and Mr. Eddie who is to the left of me has three 8’s, I will give him the fourth eight and he’ll have to put down a card.) (Example: If I draw an 8 of hearts, and Mr. Eddie has an 9/10/J of hearts or 5/6/7 of hearts I will automatically give it to him and he has to put down a card)
  • The game will continue until someone has matches with a total of 10 cards or until the deck of cards runs out.
  • If someone wins, for the next game they will shuffle and deal the cards.


Objective: The goal is to win all the cards, by being first to slap each jack or repeated number  as it is played to the center.

How To Play:

  • Pick a person to shuffle the cards.
  • Deal cards one at a time face down, to each player until all the cards have been dealt.
  •  Try to give out the cards evenly so everyone has the same amount if not its fine.
  •  Without looking at any of the cards, each player squares up their hand into a neat pile in front of them.
  • Beginning on the dealer’s left, each player lifts one card at a time from their pile and places it face up in the center of the table.
  • When the card played to the center is a jack or a number is repeated, the fun begins!
  •  The first player to slap their hand down on the jack or the number repeated takes it, as well as all the cards beneath it. 
  • The player winning these cards turns them face down, places them under their pile of cards, and shuffles them to form a new, larger pile.
  • When more than one player slaps at a jack, the one whose hand is directly on top of the jack wins the pile.
  •  If a player slaps at any card in the center that is not a jack or number repeated, they must give one card, face down, to the player of that card. 
  • When a player has no more cards left, they remain in the game until the next jack or repeated number is turned. The player may slap at the jack or repeated number in an effort to get a new pile. 
  • If the player fails to win that next pile, they are out of the game.
  • The game ends when one player has all the cards.


Objective: The goal is to be the first player to win all 52 cards.

How To Play: 

  • Pick a person to shuffle the cards.
  • The same person who shuffled the cards will pass out the cards evenly so each player has 26 cards
  • After cards are given out, collect your cards and have them in a nice neat pile in front of yourself.
  • Each player turns up a card at the same time.
  • The player with the higher card takes both cards and puts them, face down, on the bottom of his stack.
  • If the cards are the same rank, it is War. 
  • Each player turns up one card face down and one card face up. 
  • The player with the higher cards takes both piles (six cards).
  •  If the turned-up cards are again the same rank, each player places another card face down and turns another card face up. The player with the higher card takes all 10 cards, and so on.
  • This will go on until one person doesn’t have anymore cards, the player with no cards loses.

Tell us your favorite game in the comments below