Play this fun game with your family and friends. Great for parties!
- Saran wrap
- Scissors
- Items to put in your saran wrap ball such as headbands, candy, stickers, etc
- Optionally decorate your ball further with wrapping paper and ribbon
- Optionally oven mitts and dice or a timer

1. Pick your first item to start your ball. I suggest using something round to start the shape

2. Start wrapping your item in saran wrap

3. Keep wrapping in different directions and adding items

4. To make it more challenging cut your saran wrap and restart a new piece

5. Keep wrapping items

6. And cutting the saran wrap to make it more challenging

7. Keep wrapping

8. And cutting

9. And wrapping

10. And cutting

11. And wrapping

12. And cutting

13. And wrapping

14. And cutting until you are happy with the size of your saran wrap ball and added all your items. Cut it and smooth down the saran wrap

15. Optionally add extra decorations to your saran wrap ball such as wrapping paper

16. And ribbon

17. Now it’s time to play your game! Gather a group of people and sit in a circle. Give the first player the ball and the person next to them the timer. To make the game more challenging the person unwrapping the ball may be given oven mitts to wear while trying to unwrap the ball and the person with the timer might be instead given dice to have to roll doubles, for example two twos or two threes, before getting a turn to unwrap the ball.
18. Start the timer or start rolling the dice to begin the game and let player one try to unwrap prizes. Keep playing and passing the ball until the last prize in the center is unwrapped.
Let us know in the comments what you added to your saran wrap ball and how the game went.