Go on your very own dinosaur dig with this fun activity! What dinosaurs did you find? What methods did you try to uncover your dinosaurs?
- Mini dinosaur toys
- Container to hold dinosaurs such as cupcake baking tray or plastic container
- Items to get your dinosaurs out such as spray bottles, turkey basters, or eye droppers with hot water
- Freezer

1. Place your dinosaur figures in your containers
2. Add water to cover them
3. Freeze them

4. Take your frozen dinosaurs out of your containers. If stuck run hot water over the bottom and sides of the container

5. As a paleontologist, test out different items to try getting your dinosaurs out such as spray bottles, turkey basters, or eye droppers with hot water. Paleontology takes patience and trying new methods.

Were you able to get all your dinosaurs out? What methods did you try? How long did it take?
*the water will spread so consider using a tub or working outside