Word Search: Breakfast Foods

Word Search: Breakfast Foods

Can you find all of the breakfast words in this word search?  Try your best and let us know how it goes in the comments below. Download a PDF here.  CBOMELETETREGGSAFBSPORRDHMCAGAIRPESPOCRNSIAJATFOACSESRULFNNAASTNSVEUOKNBRLATEKLETGYOGURTASJUICESOEIC CEREAL  EGGS...
Fruit Word Scramble

Fruit Word Scramble

Can you unscramble the names of all of these fruit words?  Try your best and don’t peek at the answers at the end of the worksheet until you have tried to unscramble all of the words! Download a PDF here. APEPL NABNAA ROGENA SPAEGR WRIRREATSBSE RNIFUA GODRT...