
  1. Paper roll
  2. Colored paper
  3. Color pencils
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue
  6. Tissue paper (optional)

Step 1: gather supplies

Step 2: Cut your colored paper. You want this to be about the same size as your paper roll ( use the roll as a guide for how long and wide you want your paper to be) .

Step 3: From the same colored paper, cut four circles. Two circles are going to be the eyes of your dragon. The two other circles are going to be the nostrils (nose). With some white paper, you are going to cut two more circles, they should be smaller than the first pair you cut 

Step 4: With the remainder of the colored paper, you are going to cut some strips. These strips can be any size you’d like, this is going to be the fire of the dragon. (Note:you can also cut some tissue paper that you can use for the “fire” as well)

Step 5: Now that you have all your cut outs, we are going to assemble the dragon. First, we are going to glue the white circles on the red circles. After they are dry, draw a black dot in the center, these are the eyes.

Step 6: Now we are going to glue the paper we cut onto the paper roll. 

Step 7: Once the glue has dried, we are going to glue the eyes and the nose.

Step 8: Once the glue has dried we are going to add the “fire.” Glue the paper strips as well as the tissue paper onto the dragon.

Congratulations you have created your Fire Breathing Dragon!

Show us your Fire Breathing Dragon in the comments below!