Ada Lovelace is considered the first computer programmer. She wrote about the Analytical Engine, a computer, and she realized that computers can follow instructions through a series of numbers. This is referred to as binary code. It is made up of 2 characters: 1 and 0. Binary code is all around us! Binary code is used to convey information to lots of technology like computers, phones, and so much more
- 00001 10000 10000 01100 00101
- 00010 00001 10100
- 00011 01111 01111 01100
- 01100 01001 01111 01110
- 10011 00011 01001 00101 01110 00011 00101
- 10101 00001 10010 00101 00001 01101 00001 11010 01001 01110 00111
Using the following reference, which are binary code strings, figure out what the words above are.
A 00001 N 01110
B 00010 O 01111
C 00011 P 10000
D 00100 Q 10001
E 00101 R 10010
F 00110 S 10011
G 00111 T 10100
H 01000 U 10101
I 01001 V 10110
J 01010 W 10111
K 01011 X 11000
L 01100 Y 11001
M 01101 Z 11010
What are binary codes? Who invented them?