Learn to make your own guitar out of a cereal box!


  • Cereal box
  • Rubber bands
  • Paper towel tube
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Tape
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Decorating items like markers, stickers, string with hole punch, paper, duct tape, etc


1. Tape your cereal box closed

2. Cut a hole for your paper towel tube on one side of the box

3. Optionally decorate your paper towel tube, I decorated using duct tape

4. Attach your paper towel tube and secure it using tape. I cut flaps and wrapped it around my paper towel tube and box

5. Cut a hole in the center of your box

6. Decorate your box optionally. I covered mine with paper and cut out the hole

7. I also added duct tape to all the sides

8. Glue on your two popsicle sticks above your hole in the center of your box

9. Put your rubber bands around your whole box. I added six rubber bands for six strings

10. Decorate your guitar however you’d like, be creative. I added stickers and a string by whole punching the top of my guitar and tying it to a rubber band on the back

Congratulations on completing your guitar, try out the noise it makes and have fun!