Do you have pumpkin seeds left after carving your pumpkin? Make this cool suncatcher to mimic the inside of your pumpkin with your leftover seeds.


  • Yarn
  • Orange paper or other color for a different color pumpkin
  • Extra paper for the stem
  • Contact paper or laminating paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Pumpkin seeds


1. Draw your pumpkin shape with a pencil

2. Cut out the pumpkin shape

3. Cut out the center of the pumpkin shape so you have a frame. To make it easier I started my cut by poking the paper with a toothpick and then cutting.

4. Cut out a stem

5. Take one piece of contact paper and lay it down with the sticky side up

6. Attach your pumpkin frame and stem to the contact paper

7. Cut pieces of yarn. The number of pieces you cut depends on the size of your pumpkin and how much you want to fill the space. 

8. Attach your yarn to your contact paper inside your pumpkin frame. This is the pumpkin guts!

9. Add in some pumpkin seeds

10. Carefully put another piece of contact paper on top of your design sealing it together

11. Cut off the extra contact paper but leave some on the sides to make sure everything stays sealed

Congratulations on completing your pumpkin suncatcher! Let us know in the comments how it went.