Create your own Valentine’s Day decoration with origami and some yarn!


  1. Origami Paper 
  2. Scissors
  3. Yarn
  4. Tape

Step 1:  Choose your first piece of origami paper and fold an origami heart. For detailed instructions see this On Demand post: 

Step 2:  Fold as many hearts as you would like for your garland. I chose to fold 10 hearts in 5 different colors.

Step 3:  Cut your desired length of yarn. I recommend choosing where you would like your garland to hang and then measure your yarn length for the chosen area.

Step 4:  Hang your yarn across the chosen area

Step 5:  Using the folded points at the top of your heart, begin hanging your hearts on the yarn to create your garland

Step 6:  Once all the hearts are evenly placed on your yarn you have completed your Valentine’s Day Origami Heart Garland!