
  1. Glue (any kind, I have two)
  2. Scissors 
  3. Black Marker
  4. Construction Paper (You can use whatever colors you want but to stick to a Halloween theme I chose white, orange, and black.

Step 1: Take your first paper (I’m using orange) Fold it inward to get even rectangles (accordion style works too)

Step 2: Unfold the paper and cut out the rectangular shapes you’ve made

Step 3 (OPTIONAL): Here we’ve drawn some cute ghost and jack-o’-lantern faces on my papers to give them more of a Halloween vibe. You can decorate your paper to your liking. Draw flowers or write something on them. Personalize it if you’d prefer.

Step 4: If you followed Step 3, flip your paper. Make sure the side with the drawing is facing down and the empty side is facing up. If you did not follow Step 3, it does not matter what side is where. Put glue to the top of your strip.

Step 5: Curl your paper over to make both ends meet. The side without glue will overlap the other and you can stick it together

Step 6: Take another paper and repeat, but this time loop it into your other paper chain. Make sure if you have drawings or a pattern on one side, that side is on the inside of the circular shape you’ve made

Step 6: Repeat this process until you have your chain to the length you’d like.

Step 7: Hang it up where you’d like! Give it to someone or use it as décor.